Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Identity Theft

If someone uses your identity to create credit, you are a victim of identity
. This terrible crime happens about three times per minute in the
United States. When this occurs, impostors can use your name, social
security number, driver's license number, and other personal information
for their own financial gain.

People who commit Identity Theft can use the identification to commit
bank fraud, check fraud, and many forms of theft.

Identify theft can leave you financially devastated. If someone gains
employment, using your identity, you can be held responsible for their
unpaid federal income tax.
Identity Theft can damage your credit rating.

One of the fastest growing crimes today is
Identity Theft.

People can try to protect themselves from experiencing identity theft by
monitoring their credit records.

Repairing the Damage Caused by Identity Theft

It could take years and thousands of dollars for victims of identity theft to
clean up the damage that has been done to their name and credit history.
Identity theft can happen to anyone at anytime.

Global Direct Services provides free access to resources and information
Identity Theft.

I hope this helps...identity theft has been going strong lately..using phishing emals and also using a clone of the original commercial website in fooling you to give your credit card details..Now be cautious on this types of scam, If you haven't purchased a product or service, please forward the email to the website's support group or if the website is itself fraudulent, forward the email with all details about the site and its business to your country or local authorities..

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